My Data! My Choice!
The British parliamentarians were mad recently because the co-founder of Facebook decided to send an emissary to explain to them what happened with the public data that ended up in the hands of some data scientists.
This act by Mark says a lot about ...
Kenyan government to collaborate with private sector on data privacy, protection framework.
News stories of tech trends, products, services, moves and technologies including cloud computing, security, big data, analytics, internet of things, artificial intelligence, storage, blockchain
Sophos central management
platform now features all
next-gen cybersecurity
Sophos announced that the next-gen Sophos XG Firewall is now available through Sophos Central, bringing Sophos’ complete portfolio of cybersecurity solutions into a single,...
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New Garden City commercial
director to oversee develop-
ment of “Grade A” office
Garden City recently announced the appointment of Ms Ciru Okobi as Commercial Director to the Garden City Development Team. As part of the new role, Ms Okobi will focus on commercialization ...
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LATEST analysis
Analytical stories of tech trends, products, services, moves and technologies including cloud computing, security, big data, analytics, internet of things, artificial intelligence, storage, blockchain
21 MARCH 2019 - 22 MARCH 2019
22 MAY 2019 - 23 MAY 2019
CIO East Africa – June 2018 Edition
CIO East Africa – The mid-year edition highlights the success attained in hosting the premier Fintech Summit 2018 the team organized in conjunction with the Africa eDevelopment and the...
CIO East Africa – July 2018 Edition
As with all journeys, there is always the start, middle and finish. Well the July edition of CIO East Africa is a special. It sets the mood of marking the 10th Anniversary...
CIO East Africa – August 2018 Edition
How are we paving room today for advanced tomorrow? Ideally, this query summarises highlights in the CIO East Africa, August Edition.
Vincent Bagiire, Perma
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